DISCLAIMER: This is a self-assessment tool, whose goal is to help you understand how your experience studying abroad impacted your skills, knowledge and attitudes. These results can not be used as an official proof of your Erasmus+ mobility outcome(s).
Hello Anonymous,
The Erasmus Skills is a self-reflection questionnaire designed to explore your knowledge, skills and attitudes before and after starting the Erasmus exchange program for studies. It will help you to identify the competences you achieve during your stay abroad and have a clear vision of your personal development goals.
This is simply a self-reflection tool and not an official test.
At the end of your exchange period, you will be able to fill an AFTER questionnaire that will help you understand the evolution of the skills during your mobility period abroad.
Read each question and answer by setting the slider based on your degree of agreement from 1 to 10, where 1= Strongly Disagree , 5= Moderately Agree and 10= Strongly Agree. In case, you feel that you do not have experience on the issue described, choose the lowest rate. There are no correct or incorrect answers!
This self-reflection tool helps you to make the most of this mobility experience by reflecting on your skills and accordingly create an attractive profile for your future employers!
The personal information provided is treated confidentially.
If you did not fill the questionnaire before going abroad, you can still self- assess your competencies after your mobility.